Hi! I’m Ella Mavar

UX Designer + Researcher

Since immersing myself in the world of UX, WHY has become one of my favourite words…

This is because I’m obsessed with delivering great User Experience and believe it all starts with thorough research to fuel the design process.
And for that, asking WHY is so important!

Mind you, whilst loving the process, I’m keenly aware that the result must make commercial sense for the brand and bring the right result to the business. I also understand the importance of selling and/or research results to clients, and the need to keep the bigger picture and overarching business goals clearly in focus along the way.  After all, great UX design doesn’t exist for its own sake; the results must be measured against clear business objectives.

Thanks for your interest in my site, and for sharing my passion for the WHY of great UX research & design! :)